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As global consciousness heightens around energy consumption and its concomitant costs, industries worldwide are endeavoring to enhance their operational efficiency via cost-effective yet sustainable measures. FSPS-Partners, a market leader in the field, offers an innovative solution in the form of Cool Coatings—a highly effective, advanced thermal barrier system.

FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings, a distinguished innovation in the realm of thermal barrier coatings, demonstrate a remarkable ability to reflect solar radiation whilst reducing heat transmission. This contributes significantly to sustaining a cooler indoor environment and underpinning energy conservation. As a result, these coatings are carving a unique niche for themselves in a myriad of applications, thereby addressing the burgeoning demand for energy-efficient solutions.

Today's economic landscape, characterised by escalating energy costs, is compelling both commercial enterprises and domestic households to seek out energy-efficient strategies such as FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings. The implementation of these coatings is associated with a considerable decrease in energy consumption pertaining to air conditioning. This, in turn, yields a compelling cost-benefit analysis, offering a cost-effective solution for sustained energy savings in the long run.

Cool Coatings deliver enhanced interior comfort, adding to their appeal for an extensive range of residential and commercial properties. As a result, the demand for FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings has surged, highlighting our established position in the marketplace.

FSPS-Partners doesn't merely design and manufacture these advanced coatings; we also provide a comprehensive turnkey service for the application of Cool Coatings. We remain committed to delivering this unique, cost-effective solution that not only supports energy conservation but also advances indoor comfort and longevity of the roof system.

For inquiries or additional information on our Cool Coating offerings, please contact our specialist team on our website. Let FSPS-Partners be your trusted partner in your transition to energy efficiency.

Cool coating applied on large roof

How is the Performance of Cool Coatings measured?

The efficiency of coatings are measured by ascertaining the coatings solar reflectance index (SRI) value. Determining the SRI of a material is not overly complicated, but it does require specialised equipment and understanding. The SRI is calculated using the measured values of solar reflectance (SR) and thermal emittance (TE). The calculations also take into account the steady-state temperature of the material under standard solar and wind conditions.

The SRI values, only obtainable through independent laboratory testing, typically performed with the aid of spectrophotometers to measure solar reflectance across all solar wavelengths and devices like infrared emissometers to measure thermal emittance.

Once the reflectance and emittance values are known, the SRI can be calculated using certain formulas. ASTM E1980 is a commonly referenced standard for calculating the SRI. The formula accounts for the solar spectrum, the angle of incidence of sunlight and the ambient temperature distribution on the roof, among other aspects.

Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) Explained

This is a composite measure that incorporates both solar reflectance (SR) and thermal emittance (TE). The SRI is an indicator of a surface's ability to reject solar heat. A higher SRI value means the surface reflects more solar heat, leading to a cooler surface. Our FSPS-THMA Advanced Thermal Barrier Coating and SWISS Ultra-High Solar Reflectance Coating products have impressive SRI values, which is a testament to its ability to contribute towards a cooler building and a more balanced indoor climate, apart from its indirect benefits as explained later in this writing.

Solar Reflectance (SR)

This is the ability of the roof surface to reflect sunlight and heat away. It is expressed as a fraction, with a value of 0.0 indicating that the surface absorbs all solar radiation and a value of 1.0 indicating that it reflects all solar radiation.

Thermal Emittance (TE)

This refers to the ability of a surface to radiate absorbed heat energy. Surfaces with higher thermal emittance can cool down more quickly after the sun sets. With an advanced formulation, our thermal barrier coating provides a high thermal emittance, rapidly releasing absorbed heat and maintaining a steady roof temperature. Like solar reflectance, thermal emittance is expressed as a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0. A higher emittance leads to cooler surfaces since more heat is released.

Detailed SRI data are available to FSPS-Partners Clients and Consultants upon request.

Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) illustration

Enhanced Interior Comfort

Cool coatings are not only beneficial for reducing energy consumption and mitigating the Urban Heat Island effect but also contribute significantly to enhanced interior comfort levels for occupants. These coatings reduce heat transmission and maintain cooler indoor temperatures which translate into a more comfortable living and working environment.

The ability of cool coatings to reflect sunlight and reduce heat transfer through roofs and walls is especially critical in hot climates where high temperatures increase the demand for air conditioning. By reducing the amount of heat that enters a building, cool coatings help to maintain cooler temperatures indoors, reducing the need for HVAC systems to run continuously and lowering energy consumption and costs.

Interior occupant comfort due to reduced heat load

Extended Roof Lifespan

A study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that cool roofs, which use cool coatings, can have a significantly longer lifespan than traditional roofs. The study showed that, on average, cool roofs lasted 20 years longer than roofs without cool coatings.

Cool roof coatings can significantly prolong the lifespan of a roof in several ways:


  • Protection Against Weather Elements: Cool roof coatings provide a protective layer that shields the roof from weather-related elements such as UV rays, rain, hailstorms, and extreme temperatures. This protection helps prevent the roof from degrading and prematurely aging.

  • Reduction of Thermal Shock: Cool roof coatings reflect the sun's rays, reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the roof. This property not only improves the energy efficiency of the building but also reduces the thermal stress (contraction and expansion) on the roof, thereby extending its lifespan.

  • Waterproofing Qualities: Cool roof coatings provide excellent waterproofing qualities, protecting the roof from moisture intrusion, which can lead to corrosion and other forms of damage. By forming a protective barrier coating, the roof is protected against water ingress and the lifespan of the roof increased.

  • Flexibility: Cool roof coatings offer excellent flexibility, allowing the coating to accommodate the natural movement of the roof without cracking or peeling. This flexibility helps maintain the integrity of the roof substrate over time.

By providing these benefits, cool roof coatings can significantly extend the lifespan of a roof, making them a cost-effective solution for roof maintenance and protection.

Overall, the use of cool coatings can not only improve the energy efficiency and indoor comfort of a building, but it can also extend the lifespan of the roof, reducing the need for costly replacements or repairs in the future.


Exploring the Environmental Impact Potential of FSPS-Partners' Innovative Cool Coating Technology: Mitigating The Urban Heat Island Effect


In the contemporary climate landscape, there is an increasingly critical need for practical solutions to mitigate the effects of global warming. The innovative cool coating technology developed by FSPS-Partners offers a valuable contribution in this regard by offering a strategy to reduce carbon footprints and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the fundamental merits of cool coating technology is its capacity to decrease a building's energy consumption, effectively reducing the volume of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This energy efficiency is predominantly achieved by decreasing the building's thermal load, thereby lowering the energy demands of its cooling system. The result is a noteworthy reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, a key greenhouse gas that significantly contributes to climate change.

Urban Heat Island Effect

Beyond the immediate building environment, cool coatings also contribute to mitigating the urban heat island effect, a phenomenon where urban environments experience higher temperatures due to densely built, impermeable surfaces that absorb and re-emit solar radiation. By increasing the solar reflectivity of a building's surfaces, cool coatings can effectively decrease the ambient temperature around the structure, reducing the urban heat island effect and the associated negative impacts on human health and local climate patterns.

In summary, FSPS-Partners' cool coating technology presents an innovative and effective solution for reducing energy consumption, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigating the urban heat island effect. Its utilisation signifies a major step forward in our collective efforts to reduce carbon footprints and contribute positively to global warming mitigation initiatives.

Reducing Global Warming

Cool Coatings for Roof Refurbishment

Understanding the advantages of implementing FSPS-Partners' innovative Cool Coatings technology for roof refurbishment projects is vital. This technology offers a compelling solution for property owners aiming to enhance their existing roof's energy efficiency without the financial burden of full replacement.

The fundamental concept of Cool Coatings involves the application of a reflective coating on the existing roof, aimed at diminishing sunlight absorption and thereby reducing heat transfer. The overall effect is a lower roof surface temperature, effectively preventing excess heat from penetrating the building. The implications of this thermal management mechanism are twofold; first, it significantly minimises the demand on air conditioning and HVAC systems. As a direct consequence, there is a marked reduction in overall energy consumption, leading to a decrease in associated energy costs.

Further benefits of Cool Coatings extend beyond energy efficiency. These coatings are a robust defensive measure against the detrimental effects of heat transfer on the roof's substrate. High temperatures can cause the roofing material to degrade over time, causing fissures and leaks that can critically compromise the roof's structural stability. By effectively managing heat absorption, Cool Coatings safeguard the roof surface from degradation, hence prolonging the roof's functional lifespan.

The application of Cool Coatings has an impact on a broader environmental issue, namely the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. This phenomenon describes the considerable thermal disparity between urban and surrounding rural areas, resulting from the concentration of heat-absorbing structures such as buildings and roads within cities. By reflecting sunlight and subsequently reducing heat absorption, Cool Coatings can substantially lower the overall temperature within urban areas. This contributes to creating more comfortable living conditions for city-dwellers and improves the overall safety of urban habitats.

In conclusion, the application of FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for enhancing energy efficiency, prolonging roof life, and mitigating the UHI effect, thus proving its immense value in the realm of roof refurbishment.

Cool Roofs Building Model


Implementing Cool Coatings

The deployment of cool coatings necessitates the utilisation of specialised airless piston-operated spray painting apparatuses. Before the initiation of the coating process, it is imperative to ensure the roof surface has undergone exhaustive preparation, with any present damage addressed and rectified. All foreign materials or dirt must be eliminated and the surface requires a complete drying period prior to the application of the cool coatings. It is advisable to abide by a minimum ST2 abrasive cleaning standard (a comprehensive methodology for full application is accessible offline for our clients and project consultants upon request).

The importance of employing appropriate application methodologies is paramount in order to attain the full potential of cool coatings. Insufficient application practices may yield uneven coverage, thereby jeopardising the coating's capacity to reflect solar radiation and decrease heat absorption. Given this critical element, it is recommended that property owners engage experienced professional contractors, proficient in the application of cool coatings. FSPS-Partners specialise in this domain as we not only manufacture our coatings, but we also execute the application process, thus retaining quality control throughout the operation and consequently offering comprehensive guarantees inclusive of maintenance plans.


The procurement of cool coatings for roof renovation allows property owners to realise considerable energy cost savings, prolong their roof's service life and play an active role in reducing the Urban Heat Island effect. With meticulous application and regular upkeep, cool coatings can deliver sustained benefits for an extended period.

Cool Coatings Applied to Roofs

Thermal Benefits of Cool Coatings


Cool coatings, known for their high solar reflectance and thermal emittance, can stay up to 55% cooler compared to traditional materials during peak summer weather. By understanding these benefits, you'll be able to identify why cool roofs are not just a trend, but an essential part of sustainable building design.

  1. Reduction in thermal heat transfer, allowing for reduced HVAC costs: By reflecting a significant amount of sunlight away, cool roofs help maintain lower roof temperatures, reducing the heat absorbed by your building. This leads to decreased demand for air conditioning, translating into substantial savings on HVAC costs.

  2. Comfortable interiors where no HVAC exists: Cool roofs can make buildings without air conditioning much more comfortable by significantly reducing the amount of heat transferred indoors. This makes them a smart choice for buildings where HVAC systems are impractical or cost-prohibitive.

  3. Contributing to the mitigation of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect: The UHI effect refers to the increased temperature in urban areas compared to their rural surroundings, a phenomenon exacerbated by dark roofs that absorb and then radiate heat into the surrounding air. Cool roofs help mitigate this effect by reflecting sunlight and staying cooler.

  4. Contributing to the reduction of Global Warming: By reducing the need for air conditioning, cool roofs contribute to lower carbon emissions since less energy is needed from the grid, much of which is still powered by fossil fuels.

  5. Reduction of Condensation: Condensation can lead to corrosion, especially when substrates are exposed to moisture over extended periods. By maintaining cooler temperatures and reducing thermal transfer, cool roofs can help minimise the formation of condensation, thus extending the lifespan of the roofing materials and the building structure itself.

  6. Provides a cooler substrate for Photovoltaic (PV) Modules: A cool roof, by keeping roof surface temperatures low, provides an optimal substrate for these modules, preventing overheating and maintaining their efficiency. This in turn supports the longevity and performance of your solar investment.

By choosing a cool roof coating, you're not only investing in a cost-effective solution for thermal comfort but also contributing positively to broader environmental challenges. Make the smart choice for your building, your pocket and your planet.

Cool Coatings Reduces Heat Absorbtion

FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings: FAQ:

In the following sections, we address prevalent inquiries regarding FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings:

  1. What exactly are FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings? FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings are advanced coating systems, specifically engineered to reflect sunlight and curtail thermal heat transfer. These coatings are routinely employed on roofs and walls to facilitate energy conservation, enhance durability and boost comfort.

  2. What impact do Cool Coatings have on HVAC systems? By reflecting sunlight, FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings reduce solar heat gain entering the premises, thereby lessening the strain on HVAC systems. This leads to significant savings on energy expenditure, along with a reduction in the need for recurrent maintenance and replacement of HVAC units.

  3. How do Cool Coatings contribute to improving interior comfort levels? Our Cool Coatings aid in maintaining cooler indoor temperatures by decreasing heat transmission via walls and roofs. This can result in augmented comfort for occupants, particularly in regions with warm climates or during peak summer periods.

  4. Can Cool Coatings extend the lifespan of roofs? Indeed, FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings can significantly prolong the lifespan of roofs. By mitigating heat transfer and protecting the roof surface from degradation due to excessive heat, Cool Coatings can lead to financial savings on roof maintenance and replacement. To further ensure the durabillity of our coating systems, the dry film thickness (DFT) of our coating is increased to coincide with the guarantees offered to our clients.

  5. What is the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and how can Cool Coatings help mitigate it? The UHI effect is a phenomenon where urban zones exhibit higher temperatures than adjacent rural areas due to increased heat absorption by construction materials and activities. FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings can assist in alleviating this effect by reducing the quantum of solar heat absorbed by construction materials, leading to lower temperatures and enhanced air quality in urban locales.

  6. How do Cool Coatings contribute to global warming mitigation? FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by reflecting sunlight and easing the load on cooling systems. This assists in mitigating global warming by decreasing the overall energy demand and carbon footprint of edifices and urban areas.

  7. What is the application and installation process for Cool Coatings? The process for application and installation of FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings can vary depending upon the surface to be coated. The surface should be clean, dry and devoid of debris before application. We recommend professional installation to ensure the correct application and longevity of the coating. Our product is not accessible for direct consumer acquisition. The exclusive deployment of our product is conducted by our dedicated application teams to ensure the execution of strict quality control measures. Our rigorous standards permeate all stages of production, commencing from the initial manufacturing phase of raw materials, culminating in the final application and extending to the issuance of client guarantees. This strategic approach to product availability serves two key purposes. Firstly, it allows us to maintain a firm grasp on quality control, a crucial element in successful project management and product realisation. Quality control in this context pertains to the strategies and processes that guarantee the product meets our specifications, eliminating the need for costly rectifications and thus conserving resources. Secondly, by making our application teams solely responsible for product application, we facilitate continuous improvement. This practice ensures consistent product quality and performance, as outlined in the methodologies of our product quality control. It also aids in mitigating common quality control issues, such as a lack of product understanding and fosters an environment conducive to learning and adaptation. In summary, our process of exclusive application by dedicated teams embodies our commitment to quality control, continuous improvement and superior product realisation, all aimed at guaranteeing customer satisfaction and trust.

  8. What is the maintenance required for Cool Coatings? FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings necessitate minimal upkeep, like regular cleaning and inspection to confirm the coating's integrity. Repairs might be necessary in the case of damage or normal wear and tear. However, our guarantees issued includes an annual maintenance service which ensures that our coatings are maintained throughout the guarantee period.

  9. Are Cool Coatings a suitable solution for pre-existing roofs? Absolutely, FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings can be applied successfully to pre-existing roofs. They are suitable for application to almost any roof substrate, enhancing energy efficiency and extending the roof's lifespan.

In conclusion, FSPS-Partners' Cool Coatings proffer a plethora of benefits, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution for energy-efficient buildings and urban areas.

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